Thursday, August 30, 2007

A Pinch to Grow an Inch

Squirt's pincher grasp has definitely improved. He loves to pinch himself and necks. He also reminds me on a daily basis that I indeed have bingo arms. I think his little booty is going to the doc tomorrow. He was a on/off pill again today. We now know for sure he is a mama's boy and ONLY whines (I'm talking really whines) with me. Along with the whining, we haven't got rid of his temp. I think that deserves a trip to let the PA tell us everything is fine, he is just teething.

Tonight he would only eat on the front porch which was fine by me!

That's right.....more to love ladies

Sucking it in (look at his cute!)

Now let me see.......

You can see his two front teeth finally

Do you smell that?

*We let him stay messy for as long as he can tolerate it (part of his sensory therapy). Had these pictures been taken around Gramma, his face would have been spotless.*

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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A little frustrated..........

So Squirt will be on 24 cal formula for another 6 months and at the 18m well check we will re-evaluate. We hit a plateau at his one-year well visit. His stats are 15lbs, 25 3/4 inches long and his head is 42. At his last visit in May he was 13.13lbs, 25 1/2 inches long, and head was 41.5. *sigh*
He is doing awesome otherwise and I am so completely thankful. I was hoping that at this visit they would finally give us the OK to go see endo but no go. I tried again on the phone yesterday telling them since we are going to be at Children's for a few days can't endo just come by and take some blood? But again I got a big fat no. They want more data. How much more data do you need?! He was severe IUGR and we only made it on the charts once in the 3%. In the whole scheme of things, this shouldn't be a big deal, but I need to make sure that we are doing everything possible to make sure my little man grows. I really don't want to have to answer the question someday was there something else you could have done. That would break my heart.
I might have to call them back today. He has been running a slight temp all week. I am 99% sure it is those pesky little teeth on the bottom trying to come through but a bladder infection is always in the back of my mind.
Teething bites.

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Monday, August 27, 2007

Just Peachy!

Last night we went to a culinary fundraiser and had some awesome Italian food cooked by family along with wine tasting. The only thing that would have made it over the top would have been some of Aunt Carmella's Cannolis. Guess we will just have to wait for the holidays to roll around.
I'm loving the new camera even though I'm not sure what the heck I am doing. Definitely need to work on not cutting tops of heads off.

Absolutely loved the fresh peaches.

Ang is so pretty!

Loni is so cute!

Proud Daddy

Nothing better than Gramma kisses.

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Saturday, August 25, 2007


I'm not great at the whole throwing a party thing, but I believe Squirts 1st one was a success! We did a barnyard theme and my mom made the cakes which turned out so cute! I hope everyone had a good time because I know Byron, Squirt and I sure did!
Here are some pics of Squirt. I will put the rest on the Shutterfly account soon.

Such a big boy with Auntie Sara.

How cute are these cakes?!

One little piggy for a little piggy that is one!

That is yummy! Good job, Gramma.

Going to have to show our OT how well he got into his cake!

All tuckered out! Birthdays are way too much fun.

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1st Haircut!

Aunt Jeanne gave Squirt his 1st haircut! He did good with the help of a can of Diet Pepsi. His big curl and rat tail are a thing of the past. Now maybe people will say he is so cute!

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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Cha Ching!

Colin's 1st birthday was excellent. Gramma gave him a cake and a balloon (which he freaked out about). We went up to Lutheran and saw some of our favorite nurses. We have been working on the house a lot so he spent some time over at Gramma and Papa's.
*Note to those coming to his party- My bathroom is still going through an identity crisis and it is awful. This is one project we are not going to get to before the party. So, if you must use it, I just ask that you shut your eyes or laugh silently:)

Ummm....I got my camera today and I am completely stumped on how to use it. So it might be a little while longer for pics. :)

On to the Cha Ching. I went and did a survey for Fieldwork Denver and made $100 bucks for 2 hours(They paid cash niiiiiiiceeeeee). They were grilling me about Children's Hospital and I was happy to give them my opinion. I hope to do some more. It was in the Wells Fargo building off of 17Th and Sherman and it was oh-so fancy. If you are interested, here is the link

OK back to working on the house........

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Monday, August 20, 2007

One Year Ago.........

2lbs 3oz 14.5 inches long 12:34 pm 8-21-06
I'm way too emotional for this. Things we had planned a year ago no parent should have to plan. I am so thankful we are planning a birthday one year later. So very thankful.

I get my camera tomorrow. Hopefully, I will post some new pics of my birthday boy.

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Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Here is what the Green household would look like if we ever move to Springfield!

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Over the weekend Colin was running a temp of about 102 and we decided to hold off on taking him in until Monday. Monday comes and the kiddo is just fine. He must be teething again because this is sort of what we went through the last time. Then yesterday morning he woke an absolute bear. No temp but he didn't want to be held, he didn't want to be put down. Poor guy just couldn't make up his mind. He wouldn't nap anywhere else but in his car seat, so I made an appointment. We get there and he is a super happy camper again. I am thinking these people must think I am nuts but apparently I am not the only one this happens to. They look him over and he is fine. If he gets a fever again, we will check for a bladder infection. We tried to get a sample but no go (well he went on me but apparently if it is not in the cup it doesn't count).

I was more frustrated with the scale at this visit. With clothes and diaper he was 15lbs 3 oz. So my guess he is STILL 14 1/2 lbs. We go for his one year check up next week so hopefully Dr. Meyer will have some insight.

I saw they are starting construction on the new Lutheran Women's Center. Yipee!!!! Hopefully I'll get the scoop next month at the NICU Reunion.

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Monday, August 13, 2007


I have been trying to put together a video montage of Colin's first year before his birthday. I thought I would post a little clip from almost a year ago. I remember it was on the Sunday after he was born and it was the first time I got to do kangaroo care with him. Such a special moment I will never forget. He got the hiccups while he was laying there. I never felt him move much while he was inside so this was extra special for me.

I think I should go to bed now.

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Oh well

I somehow deleted the last post so instead of going through the story again I thought I would just post a few more pics!

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Thursday, August 9, 2007

Oh Mickey........

Can we say that little mouse and his friends are going to be getting a lot of our money in the next year?! At least Colin will still be under the age of two and we won't have to buy a seat. We were going to try to make Cabo (wonderful swim- up bar) an annual trip but it is looking like Mickey is taking that one over.
Hope everyone is having a great day.

I am so missing my camera and not too sure when the new one ships.................

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