Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Just Kidding.......

Friday before Easter, there was a message on my machine from one of the doctors at the OB office that they had my test results. Ummmmm........thought I got those and they were fine.........ssssshhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiii..........It's never good, at least in my experience, when a doctor calls directly with test results.
I call them back and hear that my nuchal fold test came back positive, I have a 1 in 290 chance of having a child with DS(should be 1 in 7##), and I needed to see a high risk doctor soon. I completely broke down and went straight in to panic mode. I had so many questions but she couldn't answer them. Her chipper cheerful news was at least I was far enough along to get an amnio. Lovely. I would have to wait until they could arrange an appointment with Dr. Day's office. Following Monday I get the call I had an appointment scheduled for that Wednesday. Well, that didn't work out due to stomach bug nightmare so I would have to wait another week. Again, lovely.
By this time, I was composed, had some numbers from the test and my concern went down. First off, when I was pregnant with Squirt my chances were 1 in 130. My odds were way better this time and I'm older. That was a plus and the actual nuchal measurement was 1.3mm (they like to see it under 6mm). Another big plus!
To make this quick we will just fast forward to today. Dr. Day. We met with the genetic counselor first. We had most of the information there because we went through it all with Squirt. Then came the ultrasound. Interesting enough, the same ultrasound tech that was at the genetics office with Squirt was now with Dr. Day. Best news of the day #2 shows no markers and looks wonderful!!!!!!!! Baby is in the 50th percentile for growth!!!! I don't think Squirt ever made it to the 25th. By the way, we are not finding out gender. Should we have had the amnio I would have wanted to know if parts matched but since we decided against, everyone will just have to wait.
I would love to share with you my love for Dr. Day. I mean it. LLLLLLLLOOOOOOOVVVEEEEE HHHHHHEEEEEERRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!
She told us what her opinion was. At the end of the day, there was more risk with the amnio than us having a child with DS. We were very satisfied with the ultrasound and decided at this time not to take the risk. My hot question was is this a warning sign what happened the last time is going to happen again. We are to take the test for what it is and move on. It is a screening for DS and that is all. There are other tests in our future that might shed more light on that issue. I will have ultrasounds to continue to check growth and my placenta, which is low lying at the moment. Overall, big ole'****Happy Dance**** !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dr. Day hopes she doesn't see us again but will be there if we need her. I'm starting to re-believe everything is going to be different and fine.

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Monday, April 20, 2009

Easter and the Aftermath

We've had an interesting April so far (being very polite). Vacation can't come soon enough.
Easter weekend was, well, mostly fun. After being holed-up in the house for what seems like forever, we went to an Easter egg hunt and brunch with our friends. Jeanne's camera was dying and I forgot mine......maybe next year.
Easter was busy and Squirt had a blast. Bouncing between Auntie's and B's family he was in heaven.
And then came the aftermath..........
We all caught a stomach bug......nasty little 12-24hr bug that had B and I crawling. The little ones that got it seemed to get over it pretty fast. We weren't even sure if Squirt had it until he was almost over it. I'm not sure how many ended up with it but I think the count was around 15-20? Ugh!
We hope we are done.

Loved his outfit this year!!!!!!

So stinkin' cute!

Carson cracks me up. He posed until I could get it just right. He really liked this take. :)

Can you see it? He is turning into a little monster.....another day another post.


Playing nice I hope.

His face says it all.

Easter, really? But the Masters is on.

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Friday, April 3, 2009

Ear Infections, Colds, UTI, Oh My!

We are sick around here and it's been that way for about 3 weeks. I am ready for things to be over. Everyone in the house is on antibiotics.
To top off my cute little list up above, tonight my dad learned he has Influenza A and Squirt and I have been around him........just lovely!
We all thought we had the same junk.....keeping my fingers crossed it passes us but preparing.
I would cry but it just makes my nose plug up again.

On a brighter note, #2's nuchal fold test came back just fine. I am going to take that as a small victory at the moment.

Summer please, please hurry! I'm done.

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