Sunday, October 25, 2009

And one month later......

Wow! I can hardly believe Miss Em is now over a month old. She has been pretty much attached to me the whole time. Overall she is a very easy baby and I thank my lucky stars. Eats, poops, sleeps, and cries every now and again. My only real complaint is she is a grazer when she nurses. For some reason she thinks I have all the time in the world. This drives Squirt nuts! He is adjusting to life as a big brother. He'll thank us someday I am sure of it :)
Speaking of Squirt, he passed inspection at his post op. Doc wants to see him in another 6 months just to make sure the swelling goes down and if he passes that, he doesn't want to see him until he is 5! I can almost see the light at the end of this llllllllloooooooooonnnnngggggg tunnel to normal partsville!

Above Photo taken by Kim.....I just love that little face!

The only picture that turned out well for me. Keep meaning to try again but the days are short..........

A pumpkin to match his hair color.

Squirt and Aiden

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Thursday, October 8, 2009


To all pregnant ladies who may read this I will say some prayers for you. Pregnancy is scary.

I had asked about my placenta during surgery and was told it was perfect. During recovery, my doctor came and told me interesting enough the umbilical cord was inserted into the membranes not the placenta. She said it was a very good thing that I had the c-section and not gone into labor on my own because of fetal demise. It wasn't until this past week I really learned what the condition was called and what it meant.
I want to Thank God and whoever else looked out for my babies and me.

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