Monday, December 13, 2010

Love her face!

For the record I love C's face too but try he now runs away from my camera :)

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Friday, December 10, 2010

Master Nation

C's definition of "Master Nation": when a car crashes and no one knows it.

Here is a little song he sang about master nation.

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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Bright Future

I saw the above article on the way back from California. My first thought was not to my breasts but to C and what the future may hold in repairing his birth defect.
As of technology now, he would need at least one more big operation if not two. Doc wants to hold off as long as possible which is fine by me especially, if major advances are made him his favor.
Just gives me hope :)

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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Made a little short to show Grandma Miss E is starting to walk.
Hope everyone had a blessed and loved Thanksgiving. We have so much to be Thankful for.

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Friday, November 19, 2010


Thought I had given up on this little place? Nah, just other projects have taken center stage. While finishing up those other projects, I ran across some pictures I thought I would share. I actually have lots to share. Dad's retirement party, Aunt Carol's 60th, the summer, birthday's, Disneyland....etc.

These were outtakes from Miss Em's birthday shoot. Love them but hate the colors so here they are untouched. Maybe one of these days I will figure out what to with them.

Little Lady and her ginormous cake

A picture for every month.....oh how it went by so fast.

First Birthday banner(s) made with love by Aunt Sara

More to come :)

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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Just Because....

I love their faces and could kiss them off. Poor Em gets the majority of love as Squirt has the ability to run away.

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Sunday, April 18, 2010


Thank goodness for the warmer weather finally. We've had a nasty cold virus hanging around our house and everyone has been on an antibiotic. I think we are on the mend but I'll give a few more days before I make an official call. It was great to get outside and feel normal. Bring on the sunshine and summertime!

He can be cute when he wants to be.

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Missing Memory Card Found!

Who's excited? Me! I thought pictures from Aunt Sandy's holiday party, cheesy National Western Monster Trucks, and various other random pictures were gone until today. I have B to thank. I asked him to grab my camera and a memory card and like magic he found the missing memory card. Apparently, it was in plain sight. I am going to say I was too close to the situation to actually see it. It's my story and it seems like a good one.

Waiting to have her picture taken.
Judges give Carter a 10 for the double nose pick.
Looking handsome!


Bathing Beauty.

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