Friday, December 26, 2008


for the lack of updates. I'm going to blame the Wii, Hohnsteins, my lovely family, and Squirt. It's been a super fun December despite all the not-so-nice news that we seem to be bombarded with. I hope you and your family had a blessed holiday.
I'll hopefully have a big post for just the month of December but the Wii is calling and I must oblige. Have a great weekend!

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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Monday, December 8, 2008

Can't Sleep Ramblings

B's not home yet and the roads are kind of here I am trying to pass the time by not sleeping. I went through my e-mail and found one I hadn't opened from a mom going through the exact same situation(parts debacle) we went through. I told her I would send her "before" and "after" pictures of Squirt awhile ago. I got around to it tonight. I had no idea when I decided to take those particular photos, so I had to go through all my folders between Oct 06- Mar 07. I forgot how little he was. I found the photos and to my surprise they didn't scare me. I found myself turning my nose up at the umbilical hernia pictures and hospital pictures more than the parts. Really looking at the pictures made me feel old. :)
Anyhoo, I hope my pictures help her to understand that not only is she and her sweet boy not alone, but things do get better.
Blast from the past!

Homecoming Sept 30, 06

Oct 06

NOv 06

Dec 06

Jan 07

Feb 07

Mar 07

This was his umbilical hernia. They said it didn't hurt but it sure looked like it hurt.

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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Pretty babies

Just a few of the hundreds (no joke) I've been messing around with.
Maybe one of these days I will actually have a scrap book printed :)

Not a baby......just MY baby.



Little Carter.....I want to kiss his face off!

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In case you are interested.......

The City of Westminster is having a lighting ceremony of their Christmas display at City Hall (4800 W. 92nd Avenue) Saturday night from 5:30-7:30. It will be another excuse for me to get a peppermint hot chocolate. If you can't make it that night, I really would recommend seeing at some point during the season. It's cute and the kiddos like walking through the little village!
If you go Saturday and are able to give, the Westy Fire Dept is doing their annual charity drive. They are asking for new or gently used toys and clothing, and nonperishable food items. :)
It's going to be a holly jolly Christmas!

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Thursday, November 27, 2008


Happy Thanksgiving! What a wonderful day. We had loads of food, laughs and love. I hope today was the same for you.

So much to be thankful for, so very much!

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Monday, November 24, 2008

No good

For those of you that don't know, the NFL runs our weekend. It was a bad, bad week. Got my butt kicked in fantasy and didn't do so hot on my picks(11). We had been doing so good and it came crashing down. And our beloved Broncos?! 31-10 playing the Raiders?! Hor$e$h%t! Better luck next week.
I found a cute photo courtesy of TeraDo of Squirt looking tough in his jersey. He had a black eye at the time...too cute!

TeraDo also had a couple of disturbing pictures as well. I thought I would share. Really I thought Ken would be amused by them! Enjoy KB.

OK this one is funny. Little Aiden was confused by the utters on her Aunts costume. Ha!

What can I's just us being, well, us.

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Saturday, November 22, 2008

Messing Around

I should be hanging out with B right now but I'm messing around with pictures :)
Here are some of my quick creations. Papers used were from Designer Digitals, Dana Zarling from the Average Joe and A Grungy Little Christmas paper packs. I also used frames from someone off there too?

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Monday, November 17, 2008


We had a great weekend. We packed so much in, we didn't get the stuff we needed to around our house. One of the highlights was having dinner with Matt and Jeanne at the Melting Pot. I was there years ago and didn't think that much of it. I have a whole new take! I'll skip right to the best part.....dessert. We had a Yin and Yang. Mix of white and dark chocolate and loads of goodies to dip into it!

I messed around with camera a little too. Aren't they all so pretty (not so much the pics but the people!)

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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Wild weekend ahead

Well, sort of. Squirt is off to Sterling for a few days with B's mom. We will be doing things we hardly get to do together and hopefully enjoy it (like sleeping in) :) I've been sooo excited since Squirt's been a pill, but tonight I was rocking him and my heart strings tugged. I will miss my little man but we can all use a slight break. I'll just keep thinking how good my kisses from him will be on Sunday!

On to the weekend, I have my bail money ready......just kidding!

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Sunday, November 9, 2008


Ok, so I found out Saturday night I am terrible at beer pong. Thank goodness I was just playing to play and didn't have to drink the beer(blah). We lost.....opps! We kept Squirt up pretty late and he was thrilled. Today however, he was a grump.
Aiden still sits nice for me to play around with my camera......9's going to come to a hault before I know it.

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Sunday, November 2, 2008


I absolutely love Halloween. The bright colors, the costumes, the candy......I could go on and on. Halloween night we had some super- unusually- warm trick or treating. Squirt was so excited going from house to house collecting M&M's. He even happily put on his costume.

Saturday night it was the adults turn. Matt and Jeanne had their annual party. It was so much fun getting dressed up and the best part is everyone else is really in to it too. I didn't take my camera but hopefully one of the girls will send me some of their pics. There was games, food and drinking. I have seen more of my friends than I would like. I can honestly say it has been years since I laughed that hard. I can't take any credit for our costumes, it sort of fell in our laps at the last minute (Thanks, Love) ;) They were hit!

Squirt's first official Trick or Treat!

Want some candy?
Shrek and Fiona

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Monday, October 27, 2008

Busy Birthday Weekend!

Sorry for the lack of updates. We have a cold virus that just won't go away.
I am officially 28....that seems like a good number hopefully it will be a great year. The weekend started off at Tony's first party at his house. The cops were called (well they were invited). It was the first time I had ever seen that. I guess that is what happens when a fireman throws a party. Saturday was pumpkin patch and Boo at the Zoo. Squirt slept for most of the pumpkin patch. The zoo was pretty cool. We didn't get there until about 3:00. Squirt does not like his costume. So we told a fib to get him to wear it. No little boys are allowed on the train without a costume. :) Worked like a charm.
Sunday the NICU had their annual reunion. It was great seeing some of our nurses and a few fellow graduates. We saw a great couple that always made us laugh. They had twins while Squirt was in there. Turns out when the twins were a month old they found out they were pregnant again. They had loads of trouble like us so the little one was an unexpected blessing. There was one family particular that I was never quite sure if their little boy made it. He was born the day after Squirt, stayed at Lutheran for 3 weeks before being transferred to Children's. There were so many super scary moments for that little man. I was so excited to see him and his mom. He is big, beautiful and healthy. He spent an additional 2 months at Children's. Along with his other problems he had NEC but caught it in time, so the transfer was such a blessing. It was wonderful to see a room of kids that beat the odds :)
Sunday night Bubba and Angie were nice to have a party at their house. Bubba made some excellent green chili, chili rellanos, and burritos. It was great! I am blessed and spoiled. Thank you, again. You are the absolute best!

TeraDo and Aideroo

3 Studs
For Ken.....can you see who is walking by??? The pic before will help.

We stopped off at home for some lunch before heading to the zoo. I just thought it was a funny pic.

Waiting nicely for the train

Walking to the train

The only pic of Squirt, Aide, and JG

It was super yummy!

Another one for Ken......can you see????

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