Friday, November 16, 2012

Colorado History Center

I love museums.  B and I took full advantage of the kids being at G'ma's and visited the Colorado History Center.  Here are our lovely 1918 photos from Keota yearbook.  We are both so handsome, don't ya think?

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Friday, November 9, 2012


Colin figured out how to use iMovie with a little help.  Enjoy!

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Thursday, September 27, 2012


Our little princess just turned three.  We had a little party at the house with theme of princesses.  Yes, shocking, I know.   My mom was so nice to make her a dolly cake. It turned out perfect.

She is a spit-fire of life.  Sassy and sweet.  Loves to get her way but can be quite kind in the same moment.  Can cry at the drop of a hat.  I swear she is preparing for an Oscar.  If you can't hear her singing, it is time to go check on her.  We love her so much.  

Special thanks to Jody for doing the pinata at our party so I could snap some pictures.  You are the bestest lady. :)

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Sunday, September 23, 2012


We had a lot to celebrate during this trip.  Colin's birthday, Em's birthday, successful surgery, and life.

I can't figure out why Byron and I love Disney so much.  I just don't know but the truth is I could go back tomorrow. Seriously.  Disneyland is the land of crack.

My pictures don't do our trip justice at all.  Five days there and you would think I would have a boatload but I don't.  We went during an unusual hot spell.  It was around 108 one day......blah.   Lugging around two sweaty kids and a camera bag just did not appeal to me.  So I did the best I could and where I failed, the lovely photo pass peeps were there.

Emmarie was made into a beautiful princess.  Colin was made into a mean-looking pirate.  We ate,ate, and ate a little bit more.  Rode rides 'till we wee'd.
I don't know what else to say about our trip other than it was hot and magical.  I can't wait to do it all again.

Pictures and video below are from my big camera, ipad, and phone.  Some I know how to work better than others.


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