Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Endo visit

Every time I see Dr. Kappy, I just think of my Dad. They have the same crazy white curly hair, glasses, mustache, and olive skin. While they wouldn't pass for twins, you would think they were related. Maybe next time I will get enough courage to ask if I could take a picture. :)
Our visit was a good one. Best part he gained weight and he grew!
He was 20.75 lbs (he had clothes on so more like right at 20lbs) and was I *think*either 31.75 or 32 inches long. The fact that he is growing more than 2 inches a year, has finally eliminated any possibility of his inefficiency to grow is due to some type of disease. Amen! He is still way under the curve but growing with it.
We went over diet and talked with a ped working with Dr. Kappy. She would like us to restart the super high calorie diet. Totally fine I can do that but we have other slight issues going at the moment I would like resolved before we start (and the fact I have a terrible habit of being my kids personal vacuum......I can't just let a Little Debbie go to waste!).
The last thing we addressed was growth hormone. We are going to do some research mostly to see if our insurance will cover it. The FDA has approved the use of HG in children that were IUGR. When and if we decide to go ahead, Dr. Kappy will start the paperwork. The gist is he will grow quite well while he is on the shots(they would be daily for at least a year). Some kids continue to grow after they discontinue and some do not. It's a gamble. He did say starting them young seemed to improve overall odds. He's not a bullshitter. I love that in doctors!
After the appointment, we had a little pep talk with #2. Damnit you will grow! Nothing like a little tough love.

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Thursday, February 19, 2009


Watching Grey's tonight (wow! I thought it was gooooooooood!!) I finally realized who I think Lexie looks like. My friend Tera!

Every week I sit there and think she looks like someone and tonight the lightbulb finally went on.

"Lexie Grey"

Tera Do!

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So Sweet!

Aiden turned one in January and we played around my camera and I finally downloaded them.

This little nugget is giving me a run for my money and Squirt has been pretty sick off and on too. Fun times.

Anyway, I could just eat her right up!

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Friday, February 13, 2009

October 1

As of today, the nugget is measuring 7 weeks 1 day. We saw the flicker of the heartbeat but the doctor didn't measure. They do things a lot differently at this office. It was a quick peak. We will have another one in a couple of weeks.
Anyone else want to take over from here?

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