Friday, November 29, 2013

Such a Poser

We took Em to the Zoo.  She was such a delightful ham that day.

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Sunday, August 25, 2013


Over the summer we took the kids to Steamboat Springs.  We were lucky enough that Grandma Green and Chad joined us!  We had a lovely time hanging out, taking hikes, playing, eating, swimming, eating, eating, Fishing, and more eating.

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Friday, June 7, 2013

Field Day!

Field Day was so much fun!  Kudos go to those that volunteered and the gym teacher for putting on such a well organized event.  They had the primary (K-2) do their events in morning.  When they switched, they had mini health expos with dietitians, dancers, and others I can quite remember.  It was all about moving your body and feeding it well.  Pretty good stuff.

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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Hammond's Candies

Today's adventure was to Hammond's Candies where we took a tour of the facility.  The candies that come from Hammond's are all hand made and they are delicious.  At the end of the tour, you get a sample and you are led straight in the store.  I dare you to try not to buy something!  I picked up some garage sale peppermint sticks (they will be awesome during the holidays) and the kids got some cotton candy.  What a wonderful treasure to have right here in Denver!!!

My vintage candy workers!

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