Sunday, September 30, 2007

Hmm....I think the cruise made my clothes shrink

Hi(This is going to be a BIG post)! We have made it back home safely. Today I am bleaching everything because Squirt is either teething or caught a bug(the rotavirus). We are not sure. The flight home yesterday was terrible. I should say I hate to fly. It was turbulence all the way home and it didn't help here in good ole' CO there were terrible wind gusts. Fishtail landings are not fun. Squirt slept the whole way home and I thought he felt so warm gave him some Tylenol. There was a wonderful RN in the seat in front and felt him (after the Tylenol) and her thoughts were he was warm but not feverish at the moment. We got home and he was running a 103 temp. We let it go for an hour and the Tylenol was not cutting it so we headed to St. Anthony's North to have him checked out. He threw up twice while we were there so they gave him some Zofran(I think they made him puke). Their best guess was he has a mild case of the rotavirus or he is teething........we will go see what Dr. Meyer thinks tomorrow. So now I am bleaching EVERYTHING I can get my hands on :)
How was the trip other than that? AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are definitely going to do it again.....when we save a lot more money. Everyone was so kind and courteous and there was so much to do. We defiantly ate, ate and ate. It more than shows. My favorite part was definitely Castaway Cay, Disney's private Island. It is beautiful, just beautiful. I have to say that some may argue but I really think little girls between the ages of 3-???? have the most fun. Why would I say that? The princesses. Watching these little girls interact with their favorite characters was so sweet. I honestly wished I could have done that as a little girl.
The Pirate's Party night was so much fun and it was great to see how many people young and old dress up as pirates. Again, awesome. Here are some things we learned(there is a ton). Most things are specific to the Disney Cruise.

Flying with an infant/toddler- We found Delta to be more friendly and helpful than Ted was. Ted was OK but Delta I think went out of their way. All around flying was a lot easier than I thought. If you have a crying kiddo, don't worry about what people are thinking around you. They have headphones and the flight isn't going to last forever. A lot of people are even willing to help you feel comfortable enough to ask. Squirt did great. Better than we ever expected.

Cruise- 3 and over is a lot easier than with 3 and under. More programs but that also means more chances of the kiddo getting sick. The other thing that seemed to help was traveling in a group. We have 10 hours in the nursery the rest of the time we either did things all together or we would switch off.
Nursery/ Play time- Nursery staff was fantastic. Every time we would check on him he was happy or asleep. The nursery was only for those children under 3 and they had a few times called family time so the children could get comfortable with staff with you being there. The rest of the time was reserved for those signed up for babysitting. If the children wanted to play outside those times, we could take them where the bigger children played. We had to be with him but it let crawl and play. We now know we are going to have to buy a slide. They also had a little pool only for the toddlers. Squirt liked it but would have rather been swimming with the big kids.
Adults- Since our honeymoon, they have added a lot to accommodate adults. I was a little sad we didn't get to explore more of this because they really had a lot of cool things. They still don't have gambling but bingo did get up to 3,500 bucks. I sadly was 3 numbers away :( The adults have their own pool, place at Castaway Cay and loads of entertainment at night.
All in all, it is an expensive but fantastic vacation. I hope we can all take one together someday.
If you want to know more, please feel free to ask :)
Here are some of the pics :)

Everyone loved this shirt! When we got on the ship everyone exclaimed "Your Here, Cutie!"

Key West...... He was such a good sport

These were so cute........He hated being in it every second

Arrrrrr........I 'bout to find the treasure

Love me golden chocolate...

I will not be sharin'....rather cut off an arm...arrrrrr

He even got some tattoos for the night.

Ready to Party

So much food.......

Having fun in the toddler pool even though he only stayed in one spot or tried to escape to the big kid pool.

One day I'll be part of the big kid world.......

Magic was our home for 7 nights

They had "Jack Sparrow" there taking pictures and there was a guy arguing with him over the movie.....yes, a grown man.....I was so embarrassed for him.

That is the ship from the movie

He loved the ocean

At first he wasn't sure of the sand but it grew on him

Humidity and my hair just didn't like each other

Minnie was so cute......We never got an actual picture with Mickey though......

These pictures don't do Castaway Cay any justice

I think that is enough....for now!

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Thursday, September 20, 2007

Bon Voyage!

We are still packing(it's 11:05pm nothing like really waiting until the last second) and getting ready to go. I' m really nervous but excited. We took Squirt to the doc today just make sure everything looked and it did. The little stinker must know something is up because tonight he started to act like a pill. We land in Orlando tomorrow for the night and then Saturday start our seven day cruise. I'll try to update the blog but if not, I definitely will when we get back.

So until then, love to you all! MUAH! (Squirt is blowing you a kiss....scroll fast)

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Sunday, September 16, 2007

Gramma's Love

"Grandmas don't just say "that's nice" - they reel back and roll their eyes and throw up their hands and smile. You get your money's worth out of grandmas." ~Pam Brown

BTW- Did anyone else watch "Inside the Living Body"? It was amazing and a bit gross at times. If you get a chance, check it out. Our bodies are true miracles. I put it on the DVR because I am sure, like when "In the Womb" came out, I will have to watch it again."

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Friday, September 14, 2007


Sort of long but I need to vent. My little blog is truly becoming my diary :) I called Children's today to see if they could send me the forms for Squirt's surgery a little early, since we will be out of town, and I got to speak with Ms. Angry Nurse *Yeah*.
She told me they would try but they are getting ready for the big move and requests like these are just silly. She told me to get a pen and I asked her to give me a second. She let out this big sigh and it sort of went down hill from there.
Apparently, the new hospital procedures when you enter everyone must show ID to obtain access (which is awesome) but she kept repeating for me not to forget mine otherwise I wouldn't be able to get in. Got it! I will have my ID. Then we went over where to go blah, blah, blah.
Then we got to the food issue. His surgery is at 8:30 am. *This is the same nurse I went around and around about making his surgery early. Remember how upset he was at the 1:30 one? I was going to try my hardest not to make that a repeat situation and she was a total b**ch the last time. Good to know things are consistent.* He can't have any solids after midnight and clear liquids up until up until 5:30. She asked me if I knew what clear liquids were and without me having time to answer started going over the list. Whatever. I asked if I could be transferred to anesthesia after our call because I wanted to see if they would let him have the clear liquids up until 6:30 like they did the last time. That set her off. She proceeded to let me know the person I talked to the last time was misinformed (another urology nurse and anesthesia were apparently both wrong) and if I didn't follow the strict guidelines it could result in a delay of operation, cancellation of operation, and worse case death during operation. I was shocked. I told her we did this the last time. Her response was we were very lucky. I was so upset after this call. Our last surgery wasn't the greatest of experiences and I truly thought the staff was incompetent then really doesn't ease my fears this time. Dr. Koyle is the best surgeon for the type of operation we need, I have no concerns about that. It's it is the pre and post-op care that scares me. I'm not quite sure where to go with this. She has the compassion, personality and manners of a wet mop.
Sucks. He needs the surgery and I am definitely not looking for an excuse to get out of it. My head says everything will be fine but heart says RUN!
What would you do?

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Tuesday, September 11, 2007


We tagged along today for a fun day at the zoo for Vincent's official 1st birthday! *sniff, sniff* The boys were so good and seemed to really enjoy all the animals. We had a baby gorilla come right up to the glass which was amazing. I am now thinking the Green household needs a membership to the zoo.

Hey, lighten up! It's my b'day and we are at the zoo!


My blue-eyed monster

this made me very sentimental..........

the incubator was empty, thank goodness!

Kangaroo at the Denver Zoo (I'm reaching, I know)

So what do you want to go see next?

Nick and Boom-Bots enjoying the show

Baby Giraffe. Can you imagine if your baby came out walking? Would you be happy or sad?
I'm sort of missing that newborn stage.......sort this how that silly itch starts?

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