Thursday, July 16, 2009

29 Week OB

Squirt's still with Grandma having a blast. He is going to come home spoiled rotten. The only way she could bribe him to talk to me was to say he was going to go home if he didn't say hello.

Today I had an OB appointment. Got an ultrasound, took the lovely glucose test, and got my Rhogam shot. The ultrasound went well and everything looks good. Baby is in the 44th percentile and is head down at the moment. The doctor is going to schedule a c-section for September 24, but if I go into labor on my own before then, we will see how that goes. Yeah!

Now I am off to finish some stuff around the house before Squirt comes home.

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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sneak Peek

Holy cow! It's the middle of July in case you weren't aware. :) We've been having a good time staying busy. At the moment, Squirt is with B's mom for the week having a great time being spoiled.......we sure do love her for that.

Tonight we went and had a little peek at the growing bean. Bean was not really cooperative and mostly in a canonball postition with its hands by its face. The ultrasound tech did his best to get bean to move and it did only long enough move back into its original position. It was a fun thing to do and makes me a little more excited to meet this person.

Here are a few gems!

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