Friday, June 27, 2008


Is it seriously the end of June???????? I feel like we haven't had the chance to even start enjoying summer but that is all about to change. Squirt is recovering quite nicely from his surgery although he is definitely having some emotional trauma. He doesn't like his diaper being off. He looks down at himself and cries. His parts look better than ever but he knows something happened to him. Breaks my heart to watch. We have our post-op appointment July 17th and I am praying for good news. He is too smart and knows too much now.

We tried swimming last week but that didn't go over so well. I don't think his parts were healed enough but we are going to try again Sunday. B and I have season passes to Water World and plan on using them a lot. Well, I should say I plan on using mine a lot since B's schedule is filled with fishing and golf :) If you are planning to go, let me know, we get nine bucks off a ticket for a guest.

There will be some changes coming to my little corner of the blogging world in a few weeks. I had to get on to pull some pics off at work and decided it was a little dark, so we will see what Jennisa comes up with!


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Thursday, June 12, 2008

We see the light!

Things are improving and we couldn't be more thrilled. Squirt is still having a tad bit of trouble sleeping but a good dose of Benadryl and taking him off of his crazy meds is helping.
I'm going to skim so here is the gist. At the beginning of the week with Squirt, it was the awful. We couldn't console him and he wouldn't sleep. None of us were doing very good. So I call the urology office and ask them for help or if they give out baby Ambien. I was told this was a behavioral issue and not to give in to his whims. Ummmmmmm....excuse my language, but %^&* You, lady! I was in no mood to hear a stupid response from yet another urology person. Good to know some things don't change no matter where you go. I make the call to my peds office and the triage nurse wants to have him seen before we call it behavioral. Love them! We go over everything and it figure out it could be the med Ditropan for bladder spasm. It cause all sorts of fun things like hallucinations, insomnia, constipation and on and on. We take him off and give him a nice helping of Benadryl and we have our boy back....94% of him anyway. I owe Betsy and Dr. Bacon some cookies.

These are some pictures before Squirt went into surgery. I didn't take any after because he had a hard time waking up. I now wish they would have let him sleep a few weeks.

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Sunday, June 8, 2008


Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers.
Squirt's surgery went well. Squirt had enough tissue on his parts that they didn't need to do a cheek graft (that would have automatically meant another surgery) like what was originally planned. Everything came together quite smoothly. If all goes well, one day when he is more coordinated, he will able to write his name in the snow. With each subsequent surgery, the percentage of something not healing right goes up. Basically, he could quote us numbers until he was blue in the face, but statistics are just statistics until you are on the wrong side of one. This is for short and long term recovery. I'm not going to say this was his last surgery because we just don't know; however, I feel(hope, hope, hope) he is fixed in a way that would make any subsequent surgery less invasive.
His recovery has been a lot harder than the last two. We think a lot has to do with his age and being more mobile. He has been able to communicate with us that it burns or he feels that he has to go poop. In fact, he screams while dropping himself on his bottom to the floor saying, "I gotta go poop" as plain as day. It is so sad to watch. We've been worried he has been hurting himself because he does this repeatedly and sometimes violently. It takes three of us to hold him down to change his diaper and give medicine. We were unable to give him anything but Tylenol and Motrin after we came home. And because he could tell us he had to go poop but couldn't, we couldn't give him anything stronger because it would only make it worse. He didn't sleep at all Friday and was in a panic state the entire time. So after we finally got him go, they ordered us some Tylenol with Codeine and it has been better. He slept through the night last time we just woke him to give medication. Today has been hard but not nearly as bad yesterday.
While the update isn't quite as cheerful as I had hoped, each day he will feel better and better.
Again, thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. We are so lucky to have such caring and loving family and friends.

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Thursday, June 5, 2008

Third Times a Charm, right?

In less than 12 hours, Squirt will be heading back in the OR. He has to be fixed no way around it. I am so hopeful. SO very, very hopeful.
We have to be at Children's at 5:30 and he is scheduled to go in at 7:30. The plan is he will be done at 11. I promise to update tomorrow night.
Tonight I am thinking a lot about Dr. Furness. I hope he sleeping well right now (not writing in a blog). I hope when he wakes tomorrow his thoughts are clear and focused. I hope tomorrow he handles Squirt as if he were his own.
As for my sweet, sweet Squirt, he is one tough guy. Lots of cookies, ice cream, TLC and Thomas the train over the weekend for him. I have a good feeling about this one.....I really do.

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