Sunday, December 30, 2007

Squirt's got the squirts

Well, the stomach bug has officially hit Squirt and he has it at both ends. The bottom being the worst (TMI???)
That was definitely a Christmas gift I could have done with out.
What is the total up to now? 11 people who got it? Contagious little bug.

For those who may not know what I am talking about, it seems on Christmas Eve a little gastroenteritis bug wanted to fill a few people with the joy of hugging our toilets.
In our household, B got it Wednesday night and was very loving to the porcelain one and was feeling yucky the next day. I felt yucky for a day but that was about it. Then last night it hit Squirt. I felt so bad for him.....still do.

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Friday, December 28, 2007


Today I went along with Angie to her 20 week ultrasound. The baby is healthy and beautiful. It is so unbelievably amazing, a pure miracle, how this tiny baby is growing.
Did I mention how beautiful the baby is? The ultrasound tech got some really great 3-d pics of its little face. Oh, it's not really an "it", we found out the sex today.
Carlie was the first one to find out the sex of the baby and hopefully Angie will do a post about that (hint, hint). ;)

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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!

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Friday, December 21, 2007


I was asked by a stranger at Flatirons the other day after I told her how old Squirt was if I was going to do anything about his size. Excuse me?! I just ignored her.
Another mom saw him drinking from a straw and was yelling (not even kidding) about the "tiny baby" drinking from a straw. *Squirt is small, yes, but in no way tiny* When I told her how old he really is, 16 months, her response was "Oh, probably a preemie, right?" When we went through the usual questions about when he was born and how much he weighed, she proceeds to tell me having a 32 weeker these days is almost like having a newborn. Yep, a 2lbs baby is so almost like having a 6lbs one. I honestly could have slapped her.
We had another mom come up and ask how old he was (we were in line otherwise I might have just walked away) when she saw that he was drinking from a straw also. Thank goodness she was a neonatal nurse and we actually had a nice stranger chat. Ended our shopping experience on a positive note.
We don't normally hear this kind of stuff from strangers. Most people comment on his red hair. Was there a full moon or something?

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Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Sunday we opened gifts with my parents, Nick, Sara, and Vin. We had a lovely brunch and the boys were spoiled rotten.

Well, this looks interesting.

One little piece at a time.

Presents are serious business!

Some of the loot


The boys playing ball....sort of

Vin's legs that I could just eat up!

My little Squirt! His shirt is 9m (I know, let it go)

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Friday, December 14, 2007

Bah Humbug

B's a Scrooge!
He wasn't too happy being an elf so I thought this was definately more fitting!
Thank goodness he never reads this :)

Happy Weekend Everyone!

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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Only a couple of months left........

before Squirt turns into a naughty toddler. Really? Today at Next Steps we discussed behavior and how to cope. Redirection is working quite well for Squirt at the moment and he doesn't have any bad behavior yet. Apparently 18 months seems to be the magic age when all that changes. If that is true, why do so many families add on around that age?? Is it not that bad or are they nuts?

The funny thing is Patty and I had this conversation yesterday and she predicts I'm in for it. He is a red head that gets quite frustrated these days(the beginning signs). She said she would be able to help every step of the way. Thank goodness!

So I am going out and getting a nice/naughty (haven't decided what I want to call it) stool and a timer. I guess I will be somewhat prepared(?) when the naughty toddler invades.

Maybe he will just skip this phase :)

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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Baking Party

Sunday I had a little baking party at my house. We made a few cookies and decorated some gingerbread houses. They turned out really cute. The only bad part about having it at my house was most of the cookies stayed behind. Hopefully Santa will be kind and put some Spanx in my stocking :)

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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I love this!

Rocking My Baby
Author: Unknown

Cleaning And Scrubbing
Can Wait Till Tomorrow...

For Babies Grow Up
We've Learned To Our Sorrow...

So Quiet Down Cobwebs...
Dust Go To Sleep...

I'm Rocking My Baby,
And Babies Don't Keep.

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Tuesday, December 4, 2007


We just got back from our post-op with Dr. Koyle and Squirt needs the third surgery.*sniff* :(
Dr. Koyle leaves for Seattle beginning of the year. He gave us 4 options.

1. Go to Seattle- He actually doesn't recommend this at all with the travel and tubes. Yep, we will have another lovely catheter.
2. His old partner Dr. Furness which he highly recommended. He no longer works at Children's either but has rights to operate there. WTF happened to the urology department?!?!?!?
3. Wait and meet with his replacement. Ummmmm....not really comfortable with this option.
4. He may be working out a deal with Children's to come back once a month. We have to call the office in 6 weeks to see if they worked something out. I think I am going to write the new CEO a letter telling him he has to do whatever it takes to get him back here. I really want to say it's not the docs you should have cleaned house with, it was the supporting staff. Oh well.

He said by all means he should be the one to operate on him and hopes they can all work something out. I've heard good things about Dr. Furness and know two boys that have been operated on by him. He just hasn't operated on my boy and that is the whole problem.

So we will wait and see. If he doesn't come back and I don't like the other doctors, we will be going to Seattle.

He gave us a big hug and said this is the part that makes him sad to leave. I didn't cry but I wanted to.

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Monday, December 3, 2007

Holiday Pictures!!!!!

I was so excited to see Byron walk in with a big yellow package this morning! It contained our lovely Christmas pictures from Cooley Photography!
Here are a few :)

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Sunday, December 2, 2007

Santa Baby!

We had the Fireman Santa over at my parent house for the second year in a row. My dad was going to drive the truck tonight to make sure we got a visit, but there was no need. He is driving the truck tomorrow night. It was a lot of fun and the whole build up of Santa coming, and only Carlie and a little boy named Jake were in to him. Oh well. Still fun!

Squirt is full of boogers...ewwww. I thought he was starting to teeth again but it now seems like a cold. Bummer. So sorry if we gave anyone a cold. I know we are so paranoid about that but honestly I really thought it was his teeth.
Here comes Santa!

Angie is such a good sport!
Station 1 enjoying some pizza and ice cream cake!
Just messing around
He just looked so darn cozy! Too much excitement for one night.

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