Tuesday we went for another visit with Dr. Kappy, endo doc at children's. Squirt is growing and gaining weight. He is no where near being on the chart but he is starting to following the curve.
We will continue to monitor him every six months. Growth hormones may be addressed over time. Squirt makes the hormone that causes growth just fine. Giving him more would do nothing, but since he was small for gestational age, it might. It's another wait and see sort of thing. On a side note, I really enjoy Dr. Kappy even though our visits are brief. He is soooo warm and loving. He sang happy birthday to Squirt loud, off key, and joyous. Loved every second it!
We went to our ped Friday and they found him to be healthy all around. We don't have to go back for another well-check until he is three!!!!!!
Cake by Gaga
No one was hurt. Tony was nice enough to get the guys to stop by....The adults were way more in to it than the kids :)

Squirts growth chart!
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