I set up an appointment with Dr. Furness, who was highly recommend by Dr. Koyle, in early February. As sad as I am, the first impression with this office is a good one. I hope the doctor can live up to my expectations.
Update on my friend Chelsea. She has made to 39 weeks and is ready to evict her boy *Yeah*
Lil' @nthony is already a handful. She is dilated to about 3 but her contractions are inconsistent. She keeps asking me if things are normal and I have to keep reminding her I didn't get that far. I'm sure at my urging she has called and gone to hospital more than normal women but that is what happens when you ask me :)
She asked her doc if they would induce and he said he personally doesn't want to. No reason on why just that he doesn't want to. Kaiser.......enough said.
We walked around Flat Irons tonight and will be headed to Colorado Mills in a couple of days to see if that will prompt labor. If anyone has any suggestions, she would gladly take them.
*Tried Castor Oil and it did nada*
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