So, this was the longest I had been separated from him since our NICU days. I missed him! My kitchen was clean and the laundry mountain went down to a hill. I'll take a messy kitchen and a mountain any day that means I don't HAVE to be separated from my red headed heart. I'm really glad he got to spend time with his Gramma and Papa. I know they desperately missed him last week.
Below are some pictures I took tonight. He has been Mr. Chatterbug all day. Unfortunately, the pictures don't show the great conversations he was having with the trees, children by the swings, the peas, and in the bath.
He also decided that he was going to sit on his potty. I even got him to hold a book and the best part was he telling me all about his book on the potty.
I guess you could call it pre-potty training. We've tried before but his little bum is small and sinks in the hole which scares him. It was closed tonight with diaper on but he may start getting the idea that it is not so scary.

ADORABLE pictures!!!!
I just love his red hair!!!!!!!!!
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