We just got back from our post-op with Dr. Koyle and Squirt needs the third surgery.*sniff* :(
Dr. Koyle leaves for Seattle beginning of the year. He gave us 4 options.
1. Go to Seattle- He actually doesn't recommend this at all with the travel and tubes. Yep, we will have another lovely catheter.
2. His old partner Dr. Furness which he highly recommended. He no longer works at Children's either but has rights to operate there. WTF happened to the urology department?!?!?!?
3. Wait and meet with his replacement. Ummmmm....not really comfortable with this option.
4. He may be working out a deal with Children's to come back once a month. We have to call the office in 6 weeks to see if they worked something out. I think I am going to write the new CEO a letter telling him he has to do whatever it takes to get him back here. I really want to say it's not the docs you should have cleaned house with, it was the supporting staff. Oh well.
He said by all means he should be the one to operate on him and hopes they can all work something out. I've heard good things about Dr. Furness and know two boys that have been operated on by him. He just hasn't operated on my boy and that is the whole problem.
So we will wait and see. If he doesn't come back and I don't like the other doctors, we will be going to Seattle.
He gave us a big hug and said this is the part that makes him sad to leave. I didn't cry but I wanted to.