So Squirt will be on 24 cal formula for another 6 months and at the 18m well check we will re-
evaluate. We hit a plateau at his one-year well visit. His stats are 15lbs, 25 3/4 inches long and his head is 42. At his last visit in May he was 13.13lbs, 25 1/2 inches long, and head was 41.5. *sigh*
He is doing awesome otherwise and I am so completely thankful. I was hoping that at this visit they would finally give us the OK to go see
endo but no go. I tried again on the phone yesterday telling them since we are going to be at Children's for a few days can't
endo just come by and take some blood? But again I got a big fat no. They want more data. How much more data do you need?! He was severe
IUGR and we only made it on the charts once in the 3%. In the whole scheme of things, this shouldn't be a big deal, but I need to make sure that we are doing everything possible to make sure my little man grows. I really don't want to have to answer the question someday was there something else you could have done. That would break my heart.
I might have to call them back today. He has been running a slight temp all week. I am 99% sure it is those pesky little teeth on the bottom trying to come through but a bladder infection is always in the back of my mind.
Teething bites.